Author: George

  • Vaginitis in Cats

    Vaginitis, defined as an inflammatory disease of the vagina, occurs commonly in cats secondary to bacterial infections such as Chlamydia spp and Citrobacter spp infection, traumatic matings and foreign bodies[1] and pyometron. In addition, some generalized dermatoses can affect the vagina, including desquamative inflammatory vaginitis and atrophic vaginitis[2]. Ascending infections from the vagina can lead […]

  • Chlamydia in Felines

    Chlamydiosis, cause by Chlamydophila felis, is a common bacterial disease of cats which causes upper respiratory tract disease, conjunctivitis and pneumonia[1]. Because the symptoms of chlamydiosis in cats primarily involves upper respiratory tract disease, it needs to be distinguished form Cat Flu, which has similar presenting symptoms. C. felis was first isolated from the lung […]

  • Glucose and felines

    Glucose Glucose, a simple sugar, is an essential energy source for cats, but is not required in the diet as it is produced by the body from protein and fat. Normal blood glucose levels in cats range from 3.0 – 7.0 mmol/L. Elevated blood glucose is seen in hyperglycaemia and low levels in hypoglycaemia. Cats […]

  • Cats Taste

    Hunger and a sense of taste drive animals to search for food. In cats, a sense of taste has been documented as early as 5 days prior to birth. With the exception that cats are unable to taste sweet stimuli due to the absence of a gene encoding for sweet receptors (Tas 1r2), their motivation […]

  • Selling a kitten – see our recommended warranty of sale

    Warranty of sale Date: Seller: [Name] [Address] [Email] [Phone] Buyer: [Name] [Address] [email, phone] Kitten description: Dam: Sire: DOB: Sex: Breeder’s designation for kitten: Description and color: Date of veterinary exam: Deposit due with contract: Balance in full when kitten is picked up: Sales price as Agreed: Terms of Sale: Buyer accepts the responsibility of […]

  • Felipedia:General disclaimer

    Felipedia is a free, accessible-to-all factual and accurate database on feline health and nutrition. Felipedia is an open content free-to-use editable Wiki-format program which has been developed for ease of use. Anyone can access and contribute to information on the site. Felipedia has attempted to be comprehensive in coverage of most areas of feline medicine […]

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