Category: Neurology

  • Hydrocephalus

    Hydrocephalus is a rare neurological disease of cats. By definition, hydrocephalus is an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). There are two forms of hydrocephalus:compensatory and obstructive. Compensatory hydrocephalus is the increase in volume of CSF that occurs in the cranial cavity to replace any loss of normal parenchyma. Examples of compensatory hydrocephalus include the […]

  • Cryptococcus

    Cryptococcosis is a common fungal infection in cats which causes sneezing, mucopurulent nasal discharge and lymphadenopathy. Cryptococcosis is caused by a Gram-positive yeast that has worldwide distribution with an increased incidence in temperate regions such as southern California and Australia. It affects numerous mammalian species, including dogs, cats, and humans. Cryptococcus neoformans is the species that primarily causes this disease in […]