Neurological disease

There are a broad range of diseases in cats which are capable of causing neurological signs.

Complete neurological testing is mandatory prior to further diagnostic workup[1].

Diseases of the nervous system of cats:

Acquired motor neurone disease Dyslipidemia Hydrocephalus Neuraxonal dystrophy
Aortic thromboembolism Encephalitozoon encephalitis Hypervitaminosis A Niemann-Pick disease
Arachnoid cysts Episodic weakness Hyperoxaluria Non-suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis
Arthrogryposis FIV encephalitis Hypokalemic polymyopathy Obsessive compulsive disorders
Atlantoaxial subluxation Feline polioencephalomyelitis Hypomyelination Otitis media
Axonopathy Fibrocartilaginous embolism Idiopathic vestibular syndrome Phaeohyphomycosis
Borna disease virus Hyperesthesia syndrome Ischaemic encephalopathy Polyradiculoneuritis
Brain tumours Hypertensive encephalopathy Ischaemic neuromyopathy Sacrocaudal dysgenesis
Cerebellar cortical abiotrophy Gangliosidosis Laminin-deficient muscular dystrophy Sarcocystis encephalitis
Cerebellar hypoplasia/atrophy Globoid cell leukodystrophy Leucoencephalopathy Seizures
Cryptococcus encephalitis Glycogen/lysosomal storage diseases Lissencephaly Spina bifida
Cuterebrosis Head trauma Lymphoma Spongiform encephalopathy
Dandy-Walker syndrome Hepatic encephalopathy Meningioma Subarachnoid diverticula
Diabetic neuropathy Hereditary myopathy in Devon Rex Meningoencephalitis Taenia spp coenurosis
Dermoid sinus Hippocampal necrosis Meningoencephalocele Thiamine deficiency
Duchenne muscular dystrophy Hydranencephaly Motor neurone disease Vestibular disorders
Dysautonomia Nerve sheath tumor Myasthenia gravis
Wobbly kitten syndrome


  1. ↑ de Lahunta, A. & Glass, E. (2008) Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, Elsevier, USA

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